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Who We Are

At Cultivating Minds Through Culture, Inc., we are a passionate nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where students in grades 6th-8th can embark on a global cultural journey. Our team comprises community members from diverse ethnic backgrounds, united by a common belief that understanding and appreciating world cultures is essential to nurturing well-rounded individuals.

Our Aim

1. Cultural Immersion: Our primary aim is to provide students with valuable, immersive experiences that allow them to explore, understand, and embrace the beauty of cultures from all corners of the globe.

2. Empathy and Tolerance: We aim to instill empathy and tolerance by fostering curiosity about different traditions and practices, helping students become open-minded global citizens.

3. Curriculum Excellence: We are committed to delivering an engaging curriculum that promotes cultural awareness, cooperation, and understanding.


Our curriculum is designed to:

– Introduce students to the rich tapestry of global cultures.

– Encourage dialogue and exploration of various traditions, art, history, and values.

– Foster critical thinking and empathy.

– Promote cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

– Prepare students for the diverse world they will encounter beyond the classroom.

Who We Will Serve

Currently we are looking to serve students in the 6th through 8th grades. We believe that this age group is at a pivotal stage in their development, where their perspectives can be profoundly shaped. By offering culturally immersive experiences during these formative years, we aim to create a lasting impact on their lives. Additional grade levels will be included in the future.

Desire To Spread The Love

At Cultivating Minds Through Culture, Inc., our commitment extends beyond the classroom. We have a strong desire to give back not only to our local community but also to communities around the world. We believe that education is a powerful tool for change and we actively engage in initiatives that support underserved communities, both at home and abroad. We aspire to create a ripple effect of understanding, empathy, and global cooperation.

Join us in our mission to cultivate well-rounded individuals, empower our youth, and create a brighter, more culturally enriched world. Together, we can make a difference!